1.6.0 released

Matt Nourse, July 8 2012

1.6.0 is ready for download now. 1.6.0 is r17's first open source release. Changes:

  • Gyuchang Jun (http://www.backendguy.com/) added rel.from_csv and rel.to_csv to handle CSV parsing and generation. Gyuchang's code is so nice and so congruent with the rest of r17 that I only had to add some tests and a little documentation for this feature. Thanks Gyuchang.
  • Rob* found and helped to troubleshoot a time zone bug in the test code for time.parse and time.format. Unfortunately strptime, strftime and mktime's time zone behaviour is inconsistent across platforms and even on the less-broken systems their behaviour is counter-intuitive (even worse than I found when preparing 1.4.3). I wanted to tighten time.parse and time.format specs to make promises about time zone behaviour but unfortunately I was thwarted by strptime/strftime/mktime. Thanks Rob for reporting the problem.
  • The setup for running the unit tests is now documented in the README.

* Yes, just "Rob". The Zorro of tech, but with more enigma.

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